New listing syndication partner:

Apartable is a recently launched rental search engine and one of our new syndication partners. 

Members of RealBird are now posting an increasing number of rental listings and the new automatic distribution to Apartable will extend the reach of these rental properties beyond the existing portals like Vast, Oodle, Trulia, Zillow and Craigslist. 

Apartable‘s initial launch covers two metro areas: Boston and Chicago. However, we already syndicate all rental listings on RealBird to them, so when extends its coverage, your listings will be automatically picked up from our automated feed.

RealBird members can publish their rental properties via the RealBird Listing Publisher as usual and we’ll take care of the rest.

You can say hello to on the Apartable Facebook Page and via Twitter @apartable 

Thanks and have a great weekend !

— The RealBird Team 


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