We wrote about the RealBird Quick Share productivity tool a few month ago and we released some neat updates today that make this tool even more useful. The less time, efforts and clicks it takes to perform a task, the more it will be used. The more you use this RealBird productivity tool, the more exposure your listing gets. Hence the need for these updates.
The Quick Share tool is a webpage that lists all of your properties that are published via RealBird and provides you an easy way to perform repetitive tasks such as reposting your listings to social media sites, to your blog, emailing them to your clients etc. While RealBird automatically syndicates your listings to many destinations, posting to Craigslist for example is an easy, manual process with RealBird. Furthermore, since listings either expire on Craigslist and other classified sites and get buried on microblog sites and in status updates quickly, it is very important for you to repeat these tasks every once in a while to reach potential homebuyers at the right place, at the right time.
To help you with these tasks, we provided you with the Listing Marketing Checklist (PDF download) and the Quick Share tool.
The most important thing about the Quick Share tool is that it does not require login to RealBird. No sensitive, private information is provided on it, so you can bookmark the link and return to it with only 1 click.
To bookmark your own Quick Share link, login to RealBird once and you can find the tool on the listing management page. Make sure you bookmark the link so that you do not have to log back into RealBird again in order to use it.
With this new update, we added the following features that makes it even quicker to use the tool:
- The least viewed listings are now shown first. Those are the ones that need your attention and require sharing
- The list now shows the actual view count per listing
- Property records with less than 100 overall views have a red alert message telling you that your attention is needed
- The list also shows the original entry date and the last modification date as well and you can sort the list by record entry date as well.
- You can also access the edit page via this tool so you can use it as a start page when you need to update a property record. This action will of course require login.
In short, make sure that you bookmark the Quick Share tool or add the link to your browser's bar and use it every week for maximum online marketing results.
— Zoltan
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