Writing a market report with embedded RealBird Property Search

was kind to let us reblog her recent Coral Gables market update post on
. It is a perfect demonstration of another innovative usage
of the new
RealBird Property Search

You can see her original post at MiamiByLandAndSea.com


  1. SEO and client engagement: Janie writes about Coral Gables real
    estate market statistics, which is a great SEO and customer engagement practice
  2. In-context home search: The RealBird Property Search is
    embedded below the report, preset to the specific zip code to provide instant access
    to over 400 local real estate listings. Visitors can sort listings and refine search
    criteria all withing the blog post. They can also share and save searches and listings
    and request more information and showing from Janie instantly
  3. Professional design: Janie selected a theme for her RealBird Property
    Search, which fits nicely in her existing blog design. It provides a professional user interface and great user experience.

Update: I tried to embed Janie’s ActiveRain blog below, but there seems to be some bugs with our Typepad blog’s rendering, so rather, click here to see her blog post in action.

— Zoltan

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