Facebook Dynamic Ads are now available for all of your listings on RealBird

Example screen of the catalog for the Facebook Dynamic Ads For RealBird Listings

A new extension was added to your RealBird automated real estate marketing toolset.  We are now running Facebook Dynamic Ads for all the resale and rental properties in the USA and Canada, free of charge!

Yes, you heard it right, this new super powerful feature costs you nothing, it’s part of your RealBird PRO subscription, as a free add-on.

So what is the Facebook Dynamic Ad option and how does it work with RealBird?

The Facebook Dynamic Ads is Facebook’s retargeting platform that dynamically shows consumers properties that they are interested in, based on their prior searches and visits to your and other real estate agents’ similar listings. The technical implementation is completely effortless for you. Just publish your listing on RealBird as usual. We then listing syndicate all the properties from RealBird to a Facebook’s Catalog (see screenshot included). We send Facebook all the new and updated listings every hour and Facebook boosts these listings as ads on the Facebook Platforms, including Instagram. Just like with other Facebook ad products, Facebook charges for this, but we subsidize it for our PRO members, so the basic Dynamic Ad service is free for you.

No additional work, no additional fee for you. Pretty sweet, isn’t it?

How much does it cost to you?

The basic Dynamic Ads feature costs you no additional fee. It’s free. Your RealBird PRO membership includes this option automatically and we are paying Facebook from our revenue for basic boosting of all of the USA and Canadian listings published on RealBird. Note, if your property is on the market for longer than 60 days, please make sure that you confirm availability in RealBird, otherwise it expires from our syndication.

Can I add more budget to the ads so that they get even more visibility?

We are glad that you asked? The Facebook Dynamic Ad platform uses retargeting and we can’t control which particular listing is shown to who and how many times. Facebook’s AI learns about the visitors and attempts to provide them the best match from the RealBird home listings catalog.

However, there are other options that you can use to add more budget for your own listings only, see the included free one and the additional options available

  1. Dyanamic Ads For All Listings on RealBird: This is the free campaign that we are now running for all of your listings. No action is needed from you. Just lay back and enjoy the increased traffic and leads coming through Facebook to your listings.
  2. Dynamic Ads For Your Own Listings Only: We can create a segment of our Facebook catalog for your listings only and we can then boost your listings only, with another, dedicated retargeting campaign. Facebook algorithm will then machine learn for your own listings only and using their “secret magic sauce”, distribute your listing ads to the audience most qualified to be a prospecting home buyer or tenant for you. Please contact us if you want to start an retargeting campaign for your own listings.
  3. Standard Facebook Ads For Your Specific Listing: We can also help you with advertising a particular listing to specific audiences on Facebook. We have more control over which listing is shown. The audience selection is fairly limited as “Housing” is a special category on Facebook and they have a lot of anti-discrimination protection thankfully. But these ads are amazingly powerful for awareness campaigns, e.g running ads in 15-miles radius (smallest allowed), for prospecting for new sellers, for finding buyers, for promoting virtual open houses and others. Please contact us if you want to start an retargeting campaign for your own listings.

Have questions? Please let us know and we are happy to assist with this new and powerful addition to the RealBird marketing platform.

Happy marketing!

— The RealBird Team

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