We have partnered with Lat49, a map based advertising service provider to deliver your real estate ads – your listings and your business information – through high profile, online, map-based applications, including our own real estate yellow pages at SearchOnMaps.com
From Lat49’s website: “Lat49 is a new mapvertising system that finally enables advertisers to reach the enormous
number of people who use online, interactive mapping technologies such as MapQuest, Google
Maps, and the long tail of map mashups. Lat49 puts your ad right where you know the user is looking — on the map. As users travel
to different regions on Lat49‘s partner map sites, your geo-targeted ad appears where it matters
to your business. Your Lat49 ad provides users with locally relevant, interactive map content.
There is no competition for the user’s attention. You own every block or region of the map that
you buy — and you own it across a worldwide network of map sites that cater directly to
your target market.”
It is a very cost effective and innovative advertising network and distribution publishers include major map sites such as MapQuest’s GasPrices mashup so there is a good chance of receiving sufficient traffic for your ads to actually generate leads. You can buy and reserve several blocks of “geography” for your advertising for only a few dollars a month. Geography coverage is provided at four zoom levels: Local, Neighborhood, City or Regional. I also like the fact that the Lat49 service enables you to do effective and low cost “trial and fail” advertising campaigns. That is, the low cost of reserving map tiles lets you experiment with different messages and different coverage to maximize the return on your advertising dollars. Tracking the click-through rates makes it easy to adjust your campaign and once you find the ideal promotion, you can lock that geography for exclusive advertising. This is truly your first mover advantage with a very low barrier to entry.
Suggested uses:
- Create a single property website with the RealBird Listing Publisher for your featured listing and advertise it via Lat49 by reserving the full city extent for your ad
- Create a business listing on Lat49 using your photo and logo and link it to your website or blog
— Zoltan Szendro
Disclaimer: We have revenue sharing, referral relationship with Lat49
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