Real Estate QR Code Studio by RealBird

RealBird QR Code Studio Introduction

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Real Estate QR Code Studio™ for RealBird members. With this new feature, real estate professionals can quickly create unique, colorful QR codes with photo overlays that points to any type of content.

QR codes are best for print marketing and with the RealBird Real Estate QR Code Studio, you can generate very large QR codes – up to 10,000 by 10,000 pixels – which allows you to use them on more marketing surfaces including banners and signs.

What makes this new RealBird tool unique for real estate agents?

We’ve been providing QR codes for members for many years, way before it became mainstream: on print flyers, for open house sign-in forms,  stickers to enhance flyer boxes, listing landing pages. But with this new QR Code Studio, you can now also create QR codes that help you stand out:

  • Brokerage color themes: We created presets for brokerage themes but you can also customize the colors. You can have white or transparent background, or any other background color of your choice so that the QR codes can fit any design
  • QR Code styles: You can select various options for the QR code’s dots and corners. QR codes don’t have to be boring: customize them to match your overall design
  • Photo overlays: This powerful marketing option allows you to upload a photo that will be shown in the center of the QR code. You can add your own picture for personal branding or your listing photo to entice prospective buyers to scan the code
  • Link to anything: Although this tool is tightly integrated with RealBird, you can create QR codes for any content, not just for your RealBird listing sites or landing pages. Create one for your IDX hotlist, rental inventory, your Youtube channel or social media, you name it.
  • Large download size: Unlike most free QR code generators, with the RealBird QR Code Studio™ you can download large QR code files for large print advertising. The maximum resolution currently is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. Depending on the print media, e.g. letter size flyers vs large banners. You can download and use different sizes of the same design for best print quality
  • Pre-populated with your listing info: When accessed through your RealBird property marketing page, the QR Code Studio is pre-populated with your single property website link and also with your primary listing photo. This saves you time. You can get large custom QR codes automatically setup for our listings in seconds.

Here are a few examples

Please note that these are live QR codes of actual RealBird members, so if you scan them, interact with the websites accordingly.

RealBird QR Code The Coffey Team

Example 1: eXp color branding with custom dots and team photo overlay linking to website. (Courtesy of The Coffey Team)

RealBird QR Code Listing Website

Example 2: QR code with Keller Williams branding with transparent background, linking to the RealBird property site (courtesy of Carol Rutgers)

RealBird QR Code Glen Cove NY Listing Site

Example 3: QR code with custom color theme for the RealBird virtual tour presentation of Jason Bernstein’s Glen Cove, NY listing.

How to get started

The RealBird Real Estate QR Code Studio™ is free add-on to the RealBird PRO membership. Existing users can log in and start using the tool right away, either by clicking the main navigation link in the member area or pre-populate the QR code generator by accessing it through the listing marketing page.

New to RealBird? You can sign up through this page and get access to the brand new RealBird Real Estate QR Code Studio™

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