A great example of an effective Facebook post using RealBird and Pablo together

Janie Coffey of Sotheby’s in Jacksonville, Florida had a great Facebook post recently. It demonstrates how to use the recently integrated Pablo social media sharing tool effectively. See the screenshot below:

Why we like this post:

  • It uses  our recent integration with Pablo to create shareable listing picture with a quote overlaid: Famous or catchy quotes are popular on the Internet for quite some time, but it often make sense using them in marketing pieces as well. Some of the reasons include the fact that people spend more time staring at your photo with these quotes. If the quote resonates with them, they are more likely to share your post as well. It also provides a personal insight into your emotions and clients sense that and connect with you at a deeper level.
  • The post also links to the nicely designed RealBird property website using a dedicated street address domain name: Having a street address for your listing adds a high-level of professionally to your presentation. You can see it live at www.4004cordovaave.info
  • She also “checks-in” at the property address as you can see it next to her name and hence branding the post with the for-sale listing address and increasing the focus of the attention even more.

Great job Janie! Thanks for letting us share your post.

Do you have an interesting and effective RealBird implementation to share? Just send us an email and we’ll be glad to post about it as a case study!

— The RealBird Team


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