joins the list of 3rd party classified sites showing real estate listings published and distributed via the RealBird Publisher.
Check out the list of RealBird listings on is one of the leading online classified sites. Below is their mission statement from their website:
“At, our mission is to build the world’s widest, deepest,
freshest and cleanest database of classified ads. We invest in superior
technology for rooting out ads, wherever they may be, and for parsing
and tagging them to make them easier to search…”
One of the unique feature of is that they encourage 3rd parties to “steal” their data. That is, to take their aggregated database and create mashups by adding value to it.
What does it mean to our RealBird members? – Your listings published via RealBird have a chance of getting exponential exposure via all the additional 3rd party mashup applications created using Vast’s database. Remember: you create your online listing flier with RealBird once and we distribute it the major classified sites automatically, to the edge of the internet, for maximum exposure.
The current list of supported classified sites is follows:
Google Base
See how these sites compare in terms of traffic ( source: )
The good news: since we distribute to all 3 of them, all this traffic is potential eyeball for your listing published via the RealBird Publisher.
Follow this link to sign up to the RealBird Publisher service using the special, blog reader promotion code. The service costs only $79 per year with this promotion code for unlimited listings.
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