Win more listings with RealBird

RealBird Listing Publisher is a  powerful set of tools for marketing your listings online, but what if you currently have no listings? Did you know that you can also use RealBird for getting more sellers to list with you, for winning more listings?

Many RealBird PRO power users have been using the service in creative ways to gain more business, including creating single property websites and print flyers for Solds on RealBird and marketing them through our listing widgets, social media tools and through neighborhood marketing.

Just recently, we created a dedicated section in the RealBird member area called: “Win More Listings”. We will be adding a growing list of private labeled documents and tools that can help you with getting more seller leads and eventually winning more listings.

For starting, there are now 4 marketing docs available in Pdf format, all private labeled with your photo and contact information. You can print them out and use them at listing presentations to easily communicate your marketing edge by being a RealBird PRO user and also to showcase the list of syndication sites that you will be sending the seller’s listing to, for maximum exposure. Nothing is more convincing than a prepared, easy-to-understand, nicely presented overview of your online marketing capabilities and services.

Download them and give it a try and let us know what you think.

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