RealBird Map Search goes nationwide with data from Google Base

We released a new user interface option for the RealBird Property Search. You can now create map search widgets for any locations and search criteria and embed it into your website and blog. Come check it out on RealBird. Just log in at RealBird and go the Property Search section and set up your own map search application.


  1. Create unlimited pre-configured map-based search widgets for your blog or website
  2. Link to a full screen map search with preset location and search filters
  3. RSS feed of matching properties
  4. Easy social network sharing of any search by you or your client
  5. Integrates with the RealBird Propetry Search by linking to property details, to inquiry forms and by providing client searches and favorite properties management features
  6. Super fast, compact user interface, fits nicely in small width blog designs

Please note, that this user interface option is available for RealBird PRO customers, which is only $99/year and you can upgrade instantly. Live, limited demo is available for free members as well.

See some examples on our ActiveRain post or see it in action with your own account at RealBird

Get Started With RealBird Today! Sign up below.


  1. Just curious as to why there is a limited number of listings shown on the map search widget? For xxample I create a widget for Austin, TX with a radius of 15 miles and then another at 30 miles and only 79 listings are shown for each.

  2. Jay – That radius filter is not applicable to the map-based interface, only to the tabular user interface widgets. The map-based one shows the matching properties on the current map-extent
    Aaron – Looks great. Thanks for sharing

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