Large-size photo slideshow

Large size photo upload is now supported by the RealBird Publisher  Photos as large as 800×600 pixel can be uploaded to build a high-resolution slide-show in minutes.

Many Multiple Listings Services reduce your uploaded photos to 300 pixels or similar, probably in order to save disk space on their servers. The RealBird Publisher listing marketing tool now supports 800 x 600 pixels photos for the slide-show feature of the online listing flier.

We have also updated the slide-show script. The new application is much more intuitive with animated slide-show and smart photo resizing so that your uploaded photo fits different screen resolutions seamlessly. It also support graceful downgrading for previously uploaded, smaller images.

Take a look at the intuitive interface at:

The credit goes to Keith Byrd for requesting this feature and pointing out the photo size limitation of some MLSes.

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